
Prof. Ahmed Louri received a National Science Foundation award for the project “Integrated Framework for System-Level Approximate Computing”

The project is a three-year collaborative effort with Dr. Fabrizio Lombardi (Northeastern University). The total amount of funding is $487,000, and GW’s portion is $262,000. In this research, Dr. Louri and his team seek to investigate and improve the advances and unique advantages of approximate computing to develop systems in both hardware and software (algorithms) that are low-power, high performance, and error-configurable. The overarching goal of this proposal is to develop computing systems that are capable of adjusting performance by exploiting relationships between hardware and software for different applications such as cognitive processing, digital signal/image processing, big data, and scientific processing.

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Prof. Ahmed Louri is serving as the general chair of the 25th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA - 2019)

Prof. Ahmed Louri is serving as general chair for HPCA 2019 which will be held in Washington D.C.( Preparations are under way for the 25th anniversary of this premier conference on computer architecture.

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Congratulations to Hao Zheng for winning the second place in Engineering categorize at the GW Research Days

Congratulations to Hao Zheng, PhD student at HPCAT lab, for winning the second place in the Engineering categorize at the GW Research Days. His contribution was on designing an energy-efficient scalable multicore architecture.

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Congratulations to Ke Wang for winning the AccelerateGW I-Crops site Grant

Congratulations to Ke Wang, PhD student at HPCAT lab, for winning the AccelerateGW I-Crops site grant award. With this award, Ke will be able to travel to conferences to present his research.

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Recent Accepted Papers at DAC-2018 and IPDPS-2018

The following papers have been accepted at DAC-2018 and IPDPS-2018. Mark Clark, Avinash Kodi, Razvan Bunescu, and Ahmed Louri LEAD: Learning-enabled Energy-Aware Dynamic Voltage/Frequency Scaling in NoCs Accepted to appear in 55th Design Automation Conference (DAC-2018), San Fransisco, CA, June 24-28, 2018. Avinash Kodi, Kyle Shifflet, Savas Kaya, Ahmed Louri and Soumyasanta Laha Scalable Power-Efficient Kilo-Core Photonic-Wireless NoC Architectures Accepted to appear in 32nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS-2018), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 21-25, 2018.

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Dr. Louri and his Research Team have Published an IEEE International Symposium Conference Paper titled: “Extending the Power-Efficiency and Performance of Photonic Interconnects for Heterogeneous Multicores with Machine Learning”

Professor Ahmed Louri and his research team (S. V. Winkle, A. Kodi, R. Bunescu and A. Louri) have published a conference paper that explores machine learning to extend the power-efficieny and performance of photonic interconnects for heterogeneous multicores. The paper titled “Extending the Power-Efficiency and Performance of Photonic Interconnects for Heterogeneous Multicores with Machine Learning,” will appear in Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, Feb. 24-28, 2018, Vienna.

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Dr. Louri and his Research Team have Published a USNC_USRI NAtional Radio Science Meeting Conference Paper titled: “Reconfigurable Intra-chip Antenna for Future Wireless Communications”

Professor Ahmed Louri and his research team (Y. Sharma, J. Wu, A. Kantemur, J. Tak, A. Kodi, S. Kaya and H. Xin) have published a conference paper that explores future wireless communications via reconfigurable intra-chip antenna. The paper titled “Reconfigurable Intra-Chip Antenna for Future Wireless Communications,” will appear in Proceedings of the 2018 USNC-USRI National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM), Jan. 4-7, 2018, Boulder, CO. NRSM is an open scientific meeting sponsored by the U.

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Dr. Louri and his Research Team have published an IEEE Transactions Article titled: “Sustainability in Network-on-Chips by Exploring Heterogeneity in Emerging Technologies”

Professor Ahmed Louri and his research team (A. Sikder, A. Kodi, S. Kaya, D. Carbaugh, S. Laha, A. Louri, H. Xin and J. Wu) have published a journal article that explores heterogeneity in emerging technologies in order to enhance sustainability of Network-on-Chips. The paper titled “Sustainability in Network-on-Chips by Exploring Heterogeneity in Emerging Technologies” will appear in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing in 2018. This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

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