March 14, 2018
The following papers have been accepted at DAC-2018 and IPDPS-2018.
Mark Clark, Avinash Kodi, Razvan Bunescu, and Ahmed Louri LEAD: Learning-enabled Energy-Aware Dynamic Voltage/Frequency Scaling in NoCs Accepted to appear in 55th Design Automation Conference (DAC-2018), San Fransisco, CA, June 24-28, 2018.
Avinash Kodi, Kyle Shifflet, Savas Kaya, Ahmed Louri and Soumyasanta Laha Scalable Power-Efficient Kilo-Core Photonic-Wireless NoC Architectures Accepted to appear in 32nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS-2018), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 21-25, 2018.