Publications : Book Chapters

Journal Papers | Conference Papers | Book Chapters

R. Morris, A. K. Kodi and A. Louri, “Scalable Two-dimensional optical interconnects for data centers,” in Optical Interconnects for Data Centers, 1st ed., vol. , T. Tekin, N. Pleros, R. Pitwon and A. Hakansson, Ed. Oxford: Elsevier, 2016, pp. 223-244.

A. K. Kodi and A. Louri, “Optical interconnection networks for high-performance performancearallel computers,” in Recent Research Developments in Optics, ed., vol. 4, A. Editor, Ed. Trivandrum: Publisher, 2004.

P. Y. Choo, A. Detofsky andnd A. Louri, “A multi-wavelength optical content-addressable parallel processor (MW-OCAPP) for high-speed parallel relational database processing: Architectural concepts and preliminary experimental system,” in Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Parallel and Distributed Processing, ed., vol. 1586, J. Rolim et. al., Ed. Berlin: Springer, 1999, pp. 873-886.

A. Louri and B. Weech, “Scalable optical interconnectionnection Nnetworks for large-scale parallel computers,” in The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science: Parallel Computing using Optical Interconnections, ed., vol. 468, K. Li, Y. Pan and S. Q. Zheng, Ed. Boston: Springer, 1998, pp. 47-76.

A. Louri and J. A. Hatch, “An Opticalical associative parallel processor for high-speed database processing,” in Associative Processing and Processors, 1st ed., vol. , A. Krikelis and C. C. Weems, Ed. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 1997.

A. Louri and H. K. Sung, “An efficient implementation methodologyodology for three-dimensional space-invariant hypercube-based optical interconnection networks,” in OSA Proceedings on Photonics in Switching: Proceedings of the Topical Meeting, March 15-17, 1993, Palm Springs, California, ed., vol. , J. W. Goodman and R. C. Alferness, Ed. Washington, D.C.: Optical Society of America, 1993.

A. Louri and K. Hwang,Hwang “A parallel architecture for optical computing,” in Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, ed., vol. , G. Rodrigue, Ed. Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1989, pp. 414-418.