Multi-Domain Modeling and Simulation of Optical Interconnects for Multiprocessor Application
Project Description
The end-to-end system design and simulation of optical interconnects for high performance and scalable multiprocessor systems for box-to-box, backplane, intra-board and intra-chip applications must address a number of considerations including system performance, power consumption, thermal properties, and cost. For a complete design solution, modeling and simulation across multiple levels of abstraction in both electronic and optical domains is required. Even though there are tools for simulating certain aspects of the optical interconnects, they have limited capabilities in simulating detailed system level models for various devices, components and end-to-end system models for various architectures and topologies. The proposed system simulation methodology followed here is to have an environment, where several different tools, technologies, topologies and architectures could be simulated to evaluate the performance of high performance systems. In this research we will develop a simulator not only for a single channel optical technology/interconnect/architecture but also for multi-channel (WDM) technologies, topologies and architectures. The proposed work is novel and provides architects/designers a powerful tool to evaluate next generation technologies .

A. K. Kodi and A. Louri, “OPTISIM: A System Simulation Methodology for Optically Interconnected HPC Systems,” in IEEE Micro, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 22-36, Sept.-Oct. 2008.
A. K. Kodi and A. Louri, “System simulation methodology of optical interconnects for high-performance computing systems,” in Journal of Optical Networking, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 1282-1300, Dec. 2007.